Monthly Archives: September 2021

21 09, 2021

Jane’s List of Helpful Writing Books

2021-09-21T21:21:16+00:00September 21st, 2021|Storytelling Tips|

When I teach writing classes or give interviews, I often mention books that have been helpful to me in my writing life. Many of them are older but they transition well into this 21st Century. I’ve asterisked a couple that I keep coming back to, manuscript after manuscript. Check out these works by other

9 09, 2021

Jane and Craig Talk About Writing

2021-09-09T19:57:48+00:00September 9th, 2021|Storytelling Tips|

On September 8, 2021 Jane was joined by Craig Johnson (best-selling author of the Longmire mystery novels) for a  Zoom meeting to discuss how they develop a new storyline and the challenges they have faced to be a successful writer. The event was hosted by Powell's City of Books in Oregon. Join


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