May 2021 Events
May 8 – 11-12:45 am. Annual Emma Day. On behalf of the Aurora Colony Museum and my three book series about the amazing Emma Giesy (who helped found what was once the oldest communal colony west of the Mississippi River) I’ll be giving a presentation on Strong Women. Watch via Zoom from home, or join a Zoom session with refreshments at the museum. There is a limited number of tickets available and reservations are required. Visit for details and to register.
CANCELLED – May 16 – 1:00 pm Linn County Historical Society presentation at the Mennonite Village 5353 SE Columbus St, Albany, OR. This event was canceled on April 15, 2021 after the April Story Sparks newsletter was distributed.
May 20 – 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm. Women of Worth presentation. Rolling Hills Community Church, 3550 SW Borland Road, Tualatin, OR. No lunch will be provided due to COVID restrictions. Free event but register by calling the church at 503-638-5900